NEWS iPixel Showcases the Excellence of Its AI Home Rehabilitation...
The National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA, Director Heo Seong-wook) announced that it is pursuing the ‘2023 non-face-to-face leading service revitalization project in areas closely related to daily life.’
This project, which is being carried out to promote the spread of non-face-to-face services in areas closely related to people’s lives, such as business, daily consumption, education/assessment, and well-being/health in the endemic era, is expected to help the economy and society face the digital transformation in the post-corona era from 2021.
As the non-face-to-face digital economy accelerates across the board, key investment areas will be selected and supported, focusing on services that urgently require a non-face-to-face transition. Since last year, we have focused on supporting service advancement and overseas expansion for digital companies in the non-face-to-face service field, with the goal of concretely realizing the inclusive digital society ‘creating a safer and more comfortable place to live’ as suggested by the government’s ‘Korea Digital Strategy’. and completed verification of 17 non-face-to-face services that increase public convenience.
The biggest change in the business, now in its third year, is that it goes beyond the verification of non-face-to-face services and expands the area of commercialization support for companies that completed verification last year, establishing a growth and virtuous cycle ecosystem for the domestic non-face-to-face industry. Among the 2022 demonstration companies, seven were selected as commercialization support companies this year, including iPIXEL, UFit, Inventis, Damin Robot, JCF Technology, SM Planet, and Insight.
Among these, ‘iPIXEL’ is a company that provides a digital healthcare platform for medical rehabilitation exercise based on artificial intelligence. Patients who need to visit medical institutions every day to undergo medical rehabilitation can receive coaching at home through a home training process using artificial intelligence. It is an innovative service that provides data and prescribes it to professional medical staff.
iPIXEL provides an innovative service where patients who need to visit medical institutions and undergo medical rehabilitation every day receive coaching at home through a home training process using artificial intelligence, converts this into data, and provides prescriptions from professional medical staff.
iPIXEL is pursuing a hospital cooperation project with Seoul National University Bundang Hospital and Gangnam Severance Hospital, and is deriving results from LG Electronics smart platform entry and marketing collaboration. We are expanding my data-based AI digital healthcare services based on more than 1,500 artificial intelligence exercise metadata and standard databases.
This year, the service areas that were newly promoted for verification focused on verification projects in areas that are more closely related to people’s lives in the pandemic era, such as business, daily consumption, education and evaluation, and well-being and health. The business field is Sharp & Company, Aion Communications, Jeongpyeong E&C, and JSolution; the daily consumption field is Multics, Video Monster, C&AI, F&S Holdings, and Pleto Robotics; and the education and evaluation field is Moa Dream, On The Live, and Taesung S&. A total of 18 companies were selected in the two-block AI, wellness and health field, including Care Dream, Mindforge, Bionutrion, Arom Information Technology, and Foundation Stem…..
NEWS iPixel Showcases the Excellence of Its AI Home Rehabilitation...
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