NEWS iPixel Showcases the Excellence of Its AI Home Rehabilitation...
Sangsoo Lee, CEO of iPIXEL has launched ‘EXERCITE Care’, an AI rehabilitation exercise coaching service solution through Google, that allows medical staff and officials to easily provide rehabilitation exercise prescriptions to patients with musculoskeletal diseases or in need of rehabilitation exercise. Released on the App Store.
‘EXERCITE Care’ introduced this time reflects the elements needed in the medical field (exercise guide video, real-time feedback, ROM, compliance measurement and dataization, etc.) and standardization process. We provide services so that various medical institutions can easily use rehabilitation exercise solutions.
Starting in 2022, ‘Exersite Care’ has been tested by applying a rehabilitation exercise prescription solution directly linked to EMR at a joint hospital designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare through the commercialization of a non-face-to-face leading service by the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
This year, as demand is increasing, including by signing a license agreement with the largest general hospital in Korea, the service will be standardized and introduced to prospective users at ‘KHF 2023’. iPixel provides professional rehabilitation exercises across the entire life cycle, with the demand for direct at-home rehabilitation rapidly increasing due to the increase in the elderly population, and is the only company that provides services for a variety of products such as smart TVs, smartphones, and tablets.
EXERCITE Care also provides a rehabilitation exercise curriculum created by professional medical staff, physical therapists, and exercise experts, and can easily configure rehabilitation exercise prescriptions according to the patient, enabling real-time feedback from customized rehabilitation exercise prescription, composition, analysis, and evaluation.
iPIXEL’s ‘EXERCITE’, a global AI home fitness app that was already launched in March of this year, is the only service using AI technology that runs on LG Smart TV, allowing consumers to enjoy AI-based exercise coaching on the large TV screen through a regular webcam or smartphone. You can experience it.
In addition, it has experience in developing and operating AI home fitness services as it was selected as the best app on Google Play in 2021, and will operate ‘Exersite’ around the world starting this year. As of last July, it was being used in more than 50 countries, including the United States, India, the United Kingdom, Brazil, and Spain.
CEO Lee Sang-soo said, “Digital healthcare should be approached not only in the medical field but also as a service for a healthy life throughout the entire life cycle,” adding, “iPixel can satisfy both consumers and professional medical staff with a rehabilitation exercise coaching solution that is essential for a healthy life.” “We built it so that it can be done,” he said confidently.
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