NEWS iPixel Showcases the Excellence of Its AI Home Rehabilitation...
iPIXEL (CEO: Lee Sangsoo, photo) won the Minister of Health and Welfare Award at the “2024 4th Industrial Revolution Power Korea.” iPIXEL garnered significant attention by successfully launching its home fitness applications, HowFit and Exercite, in 2021 and 2022, which are based on artificial intelligence (AI) motion recognition technology.
The recently released rehabilitation exercise solution, Exercite Care, uses AI motion recognition technology to guide rehabilitation exercises. It consists of a smartphone app for patients and a management program for healthcare professionals. When a healthcare professional designs a customized exercise program for a patient who needs rehabilitation, the patient can execute it through their smartphone, allowing them to perform tailored rehabilitation exercises at home.
In particular, the AI motion recognition technology used in this solution operates in an on-device manner, providing real-time feedback on movement accuracy without concerns about privacy exposure.
The patient’s exercise data can be reviewed through the management program, allowing for adjustments to the exercise content based on the individual patient’s condition and measuring improvement. iPixel is also working on obtaining certification as a digital therapeutic device based on this technological capability.
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